collaborative design group
architecture & interiors
design specification services- residential
Beyond the traditional role of the Interior Designer and coordinating the Interior finishes of a home, our designers specialize in a unique specification process essential to a cohesive construction process. Our Interior Designers are skilled in working with Architects and Design groups in collaboration; specifying the necessary items required by the Builder to facilitate the construction process. We endeavor to make the building and remodeling process as painless as possible for our clientele.
design specification services include
Exterior finish selection and coordination
Cabinet designs and finishes selection
Flooring and wall finish schedules
Ceiling design and finish
Selection of interior and exterior doors
Plumbing and appliance selection
Selection of trims and interior wood and ornamental detailing
Lighting design and selection
Furniture, textile and window covering selection
We believe that 80% of the impact that your home makes is created with the last 20% of your budget. It is for that reason that you must keep that budget on track so that you have the funds to achieve the greatest aesthetic impact. By the time you get near the end of construction, the budget is often strained and you are forced to make sacrifices just when you want to splurge. Builders are not to blame for budget over-runs, it is the lack of clear vision and goals, delays in making selections, etc. throughout the construction process that create them. Fail to plan and you plan to fail.
Organization is a key goal for us, and we offer that in the form of our complete project specification binders. We keep track of every decision made on your project and include detailed documentation for every selection. Although we still maintain a system of binders, this has now grown into an on line database system that the client, builder or vendor can log into at any time to see decisions that have been made to date. In addition to our talent and creativity, we feel this level of detail is what sets Collaborative Design Group apart from of our competition.