Enhance Your Curb Appeal1. Greenery Never underestimate the power of fresh greenery! Whether your home is modern and in need of simple, clean lined look or more...
Building Affordably and Living ComfortablyKeep It Tight As we look at the houses around us, we see one common problem – the building is too big. Just how much space do we really...
Residential Architecture StylesColonial The colonial style home is one of the most common homes in the US, especially in New England and in the south. Traditional...
Biomimetic ArchitectureWhat is Biomimicry? Biomimicry & Darwinism Biomimicry can, and often does, benefit from Darwinism. Darwinism is a theory of biological...
Why Hire an Architect?Few people realize how complicated it is to build--that is until they find themselves lost in a maze of design options, building codes,...
How to Choose a RoofOne of the most signature elements that can reinforce an architectural style is the roof of your home. It can make an important...